Monday, January 3, 2011

At 10:00 This Morning

My sisters were here for two days of visiting, watching movies, scrapbooking, drinking tea, and eating treats.  The first day had gone pretty much according to plan.

At 10:00 this morning, however, one sister came up with an idea.  "It's cold out, but the sun is shining, and my husband's not using our truck today.  Let's drive down to the storage place to do the work we've talked about." 

Somehow, watching movies and scrapbooking sounded a lot more relaxing.  But, we'd talked for months about consolidating the remaining stuff from Mom's house so that it would all fit into one of our two storage units, thereby saving us over $100 a month.

So, even though it was a 90-minute drive, we set off prepared to enjoy the sunshine, even though the temperature was hovering around 32 degrees.  We picked up sandwiches at Burger King along the way and arrived at our destination shortly after 1:00.  Within two hours, we had rearranged the items in the first storage unit, moved everything from the second storage unit into the first, and loaded the truck with several items to take home. 

All three of us worked hard, and by 3:30 we were on the road again.  We even had time to stop and pay a quick visit to Mom on the way home.  Tomorrow we will probably have a few sore muscles from shifting heavy boxes around and sitting for several hours in the car.  We will also have a sense of accomplishment for starting out the New Year by working together to complete a long-pending project.

Stay tuned.

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