Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Leaving for Sedona

Tomorrow morning I leave on my trip to Sedona, Arizona.  I am excited and a little nervous as I embark on this journey, and I am sad and a little tired after the events of the past week.  I will be staying at a wonderful-sounding place called "Red Rock Guest House," and I will be participating in some sessions arranged by "Sedona Soul Adventures."   (If you want to learn more, go to http://www.sedonasouladventures.com/.)

I hope that my retreat/vacation will be a time when I can look at my life so far, maybe let go of some things I don't need to carry with me any more, and set some intentions for my life ahead.  I've already written down a few things (see my Twelve-Month Plan), but many of my plans are still under construction, and I hope to see significant progress in the coming days.

When I was born in 1951, everything was a new experience as it is for every baby.  As I start my sixtieth year, I am glad I have the opportunity to travel to a new place, meet some new people, try some new activities, and maybe even encounter some new ideas.

I will not be posting new entries to my blog while in Sedona, but I look forward to resuming "Sandi's Sixtieth Year" next week.

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